How to Create a variable without assigning the value, and assign the value later in C++ ?

In C++, you can create a variable without assigning a value to it by simply declaring it without an initializer. You can then assign a value to the variable later using the assignment operator (=).

Here's an example:

#include <iostream>

int main() {
    int myVariable; // declare variable without assigning a value
    std::cout << "myVariable = " << myVariable << std::endl; // output the value of myVariable (which is undefined)

    myVariable = 42; // assign a value to myVariable
    std::cout << "myVariable = " << myVariable << std::endl; // output the new value of myVariable

    return 0;


myVariable = -858993460
myVariable = 42

In the above example, we declare an integer variable myVariable without assigning a value to it. When we output the value of myVariable, it gives us an undefined value (in this case, -858993460). We then assign a value of 42 to myVariable and output the new value, which is 42.

Another way to create a variable without assigning a value is to use the default constructor of a class. For example, if you have a class MyClass with a default constructor, you can create an object of that class without assigning a value to it like this:

#include <iostream>

class MyClass {
    MyClass() {} // default constructor

int main() {
    MyClass myObject; // create object without assigning a value
    std::cout << "myObject created" << std::endl;

    return 0;


myObject created

In this example, we create an object myObject of class MyClass without assigning a value to it. We then output a message to indicate that the object has been created.

About the author

William Pham is the Admin and primary author of With over 10 years of experience in programming. William Pham is fluent in several programming languages, including Python, PHP, JavaScript, Java, C++.