Byte Class Fields in Java with example

The Byte class in Java is a wrapper class that encapsulates a primitive byte value. It provides various methods to perform operations on byte values. The fields of the Byte class are as follows:

  • public static final byte MIN_VALUE: This field represents the minimum value that a byte can hold, which is -128.


byte minValue = Byte.MIN_VALUE;
System.out.println(minValue); // Output: -128
  • public static final byte MAX_VALUE: This field represents the maximum value that a byte can hold, which is 127.


byte maxValue = Byte.MAX_VALUE;
System.out.println(maxValue); // Output: 127
  • public static final int SIZE: This field represents the number of bits used to represent a byte value, which is 8.


int size = Byte.SIZE;
System.out.println(size); // Output: 8
  • public static final Class<Byte> TYPE: This field represents the Class object that represents the primitive type byte.


Class<Byte> type = Byte.TYPE;
System.out.println(type); // Output: byte

About the author

William Pham is the Admin and primary author of With over 10 years of experience in programming. William Pham is fluent in several programming languages, including Python, PHP, JavaScript, Java, C++.